When making a new website, be sure to ask "Why?”

No matter the communication channel, this interrogative adverb must always be present. The innate curiosity of human beings is fundamental in the evolution of the business world. And now, you may ask yourself: “Why read this article?”, ‘so that you no longer refuse the whys in your life’.

Tânia Frade
Apr 4 2023 • 3 min reading
When making a new website, be sure to ask

Between ages 3 and 4, children begin to develop an enormous curiosity about the world and encounter many whys. They want to understand everything and question endlessly, leading adults to exhaustion! However, this phase is typical of child development and fundamental to their growth.

Focusing on the business world, we live in an era where the quality of a product or service is not enough to create consumer loyalty. This is, in fact, one of the most challenging things for companies to achieve with their target audience.

The why assumes a predominant role in an increasingly competitive world where companies must impact their target audience in every communication. I highlight the brilliant work and bestseller by the writer Simon Sinek, "First ask why", where the premise is presented: "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it."

All companies know what they do, and some know how they do it, but only a small number of companies are fully aware of why. In the article «The importance of the "Golden Circle" at the service of Digital Marketing» you can explore more about this concept.

When building a new website for your company, the why also plays a key role in its success.

When preparing a briefing for a new website, it is certainly more immediate to identify what you want and how you want it to be developed. However, it is even more important to reflect on the following: Why do you need a new website? What is the purpose? To solve what problems? For which target? With what purpose of communication and conversion? Among other equally pertinent questions.

Your company's knowledge about the sector and the business in which it operates, combined with the answers to the right questions, will make an ideal basis to challenge a web design and web development agency to rethink your company's digital positioning.

On our side, there is also demanding work between all teams (project management, creative and technical) to explain how each proposed solution responds to the various initial whys. It is up to project managers, web designers and web developers to explain to you:

  • Why this information architecture?
  • Why this graphic design?
  • Why call-to-actions at these strategic points?
  • Why this copy?
  • Why these features?
  • Why these integrations (social networks, email marketing, CRM, among others)?

Some tools could be very relevant in this process of analysis and finding answers, such as Google Analytics for those who already have an old website and where we can analyze the target, the volume of visits, and the most visited pages, among many other metrics.

The result will be well achieved if, through our whys, we respond efficiently to the whys of the client. And so, you will have the complete Golden Circle on your website, boosting conversion and, ideally, visitor loyalty.

The why is the starting point for us. What is yours?

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