Does your website tell your story?

The power of storytelling is nothing new for any of us… since the beginning of our existence, we have been “storytellers” and through this we create relationships of trust and connection with others.

Madalena Moreira Rato
Jan 11 2021 • 3 min reading
Does your website tell your story?

This concept, on the websites, goes far beyond telling your story, as in children's books, where you start with “Once upon a time…”, or in the old days, when stories passed from generation to generation, through the voice of the wisest. Now, more than ever, you have the power to tell your story in the first person!

First of all, you must have the words and the ability to tell your story, for example: Who are you? What led you to create this business? What do you have to offer (from who you are)? What do you want to achieve with your company? ...

After the narrative created, there is a set of tools at your disposal that serve as a background to help you telling your story. Here are some examples:

  • Images: the choice of images to use throughout the website is essential to attract attention and create connection with the user. "A picture is worth a thousand words" ... it really is!
  • Illustrations: illustrations are explained images. Which makes them very powerful in communication, as they benefit from the impact of having images as a reference, but they go a little further and by adding words, they become more real, charming and engaging for the visitor.
  • Video: video communication has gone completely viral in recent years. It's a simple way to create interaction and relationship, and to get your message across.
  • Typography: the choice of font, size and color throughout the site positions and even interacts emotionally with the users. It is a form of subconscious communication ... that communicates with the visitor without their realizing it, but that remains in the idea that the visitor remains of your company.
  • Words: words and expressions help us to direct the user's imagination and interpretation. Here I am not talking about long and explained texts… but about the ability to choose words and create statements that live beyond the obvious, that are simple and that help the user to connect with the purpose of your company.
  • Animations in Parallax: they are animations in the way the content appears on the page, which involve users and lead them to float while browsing the pages, thus leading them to incorporate your story and to be directed to your business.
  • Social Networks: the sharing between your website and social networks is extremely important to tell your story and create a sense of community around your business.

The power and importance of the storytelling concept goes far beyond how it appears on your website, in fact and if you bet on telling your story, using some of the ways we talked about above or any other you find interesting, the result is that it will involve users and more easily makes them customers!

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