What WebP is and how it improves your site's performance

If you're concerned about the performance of your website, you've probably heard about WebP, an image format that is gaining more and more prominence on the web. But what is WebP, why was it created, and how can it improve your site's performance? 

Pedro Completo
Sep 10 2024 • 2 min reading
What WebP is and how it improves your site's performance

What is WebP?

WebP is an image format developed by Google and officially launched in 2010. It was created with the aim of providing a more efficient alternative to traditional image formats such as JPG and PNG, offering superior compression without compromising visual quality.

Its creation arose from the need to make the web faster and more efficient. Google realised that images were responsible for a significant part of page load times. In an attempt to reduce this time, they developed WebP as part of the video-related WebM project. WebP uses compression technologies based on the VP8 video codec.

How does WebP improve your site's performance?

WebP's more efficient compression results in smaller image files, which means faster loading times for your site, benefiting your site's performance in several ways:

  1. Smaller file size: WebP can reduce the size of images by up to 30% compared to traditional formats, while maintaining visual quality. This is especially important for mobile devices, where internet speeds can be limited.
  2. Transparent images and animations: As well as supporting transparency like PNG, WebP also allows you to create animated images, replacing GIFs, but with much higher quality and smaller file sizes.
  3. SEO and user experience: Lighter images contribute to faster page loading, which not only improves the user experience, but also helps with SEO, as Google favours sites that load quickly.

WebP is an image format that offers an excellent combination of visual quality and compression efficiency. By using WebP on your site, you can significantly improve loading speed, optimise the user experience and gain SEO points. If you don't already use WebP, perhaps it's time to consider making the switch and take advantage of all the benefits it offers.

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