Strategies for keeping your website articles up to date
A website with a good section of news, publications or blog articles is, without a doubt, one of the starting points for putting your Content Marketing strategy into practice.
A website with a good section of news, publications or blog articles is, without a doubt, one of the starting points for putting your Content Marketing strategy into practice.
Not only because it transmits to the market, your customers, potential customers, partners and even competitors, the confidence of being "knowledgeable about the subject", but also greatly enhances the positioning (SEO) of your site in Google.
A lively, dynamic, active site only helps to show that your company is also lively, dynamic, and active! The opposite can, for this very reason, be very harmful.
Each visitor who enters your site is a potential client or promoter, so each time they visit your site is a unique opportunity to demonstrate what you know, what you offer, ... to enchant and convey confidence that you are the company that the visitor is looking for!
In this sense, I write below 4 strategies that will help you on this path:
1. Set a time goal, for example 1 article per week and organize a calendar to 3 months, of who will write.
2. Define the type of articles you will publish:
3. Be consistent and recurring - when you set a plan to share information - post articles to share knowledge with your clients, with your peers and with friends - to be able to grow in number of followers, likes and engagement .... you must be very clear on what you promise!
4. Publish articles on the site and share on social media - The more visits you convert to the site, the more credit Google gives you and the more people get to the published articles. It works like a "snowball": the more you publish, the more you appear in google, the more clicks you get to the site, the more people know about your company ... and so you appear even more in Google!
It is important not to forget that visitors only come to your site if the texts, articles, news and words that are written there contain the right attraction words. Always focus on the fact that increasing your site's audience means reaching more potential customers and thus gaining more business for your company!