What is the perfect formula for your institutional website?

Do you have a company and want to make your mark in the digital world? Having a good website that conveys your positioning, credibility and generates trust is undoubtedly an essential part of this path to success! This is true for all types of companies, from SMEs to large business groups, a good digital positioning will promote growth and is undoubtedly a gateway for visitors and potential customers.

Inês Victorino
Jun 8 2021 • 3 min reading
What is the perfect formula for your institutional website?

In this article, we've summarized everything you need to know to start the digital strategy for your company and share your brand with the world.

Your brand, your digital identity
With the logo, claim that distinguishes it, with the brand manual and other materials, part of its identity is created. Your website must reflect this visual identity so that everything makes sense to visitors. For this visual identity you have to take into account: the fonts used, colors along the bars and buttons, strong and impactful images of the concept or even your office, videos that help create engadgement with the brand, …, and a whole set of details throughout the pages that differentiate you from your competitors. All this in a coherent and harmonious way will provide that the user interface and user experience are successful.

Create original content
When we talk about institutional sites, content is a critical factor. Each highlighted phrase, each text about who we are, the way you present your team, the explanation you give of each service you provide or expertise you dominate, the values ​​that define your positioning… all words are important.

How you present “the words” or complement them with iconography, graphic layouts or even image or video says a lot about your business and provides valuable details to your website visitors.

The importance of the “About Us” page
Use this page to build relationships with your visitors. Many visitors prefer to establish contact with companies with which they feel personally connected. In a world where everything is virtual, it is increasingly important to show your visitors real people, team, workspace, in order to solidify trust and loyalty to your brand. A good professional photo shoot for your office and your team is essential to ensure quality and visual impact.

The importance of having updated and dynamic content
Your corporate website must have dynamic content, updated frequently and recurrently. Bet on articles like news, press, blog, pages where you share current and updated knowledge. As visitor support you can also have FAQ or help-desk pages. Updated articles will help your website not look “stuck in time” and it's important to highlight the latest updates on your site's homepage, informing customers of what's new.

Contact information
It may seem like a small detail, but adding contact information to your website can make all the difference between a website visitor and a future customer. Contact information should include your company name, address, contact email and telephone number. To improve communication you should also include a contact form so that everyone feels free to “contact” outside office hours. If creating a campaign remember to create specific forms to help communicate directly with whoever is interested.

Mobile First
This topic is recurrent, but it is never too much to say. Any website must be 100% mobile responsive, adapted to all mobile devices, all browsers and screen formats. Nowadays, mobile access already represents 50% to 70% of entries on institutional websites.

 These are the tips to have an attractive and optimized institutional website. If you liked this article, see also “how to create relevant digital content” and learn more here about the “importance of keeping your website up to date”.

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