The Interview Diaries: 10 Questions with Tânia

It's Tânia's turn in our Interview Diaries. She's our ‘lynx eye’, because nothing escapes her.

João Amador
Jul 16 2024 • 5 min reading
The Interview Diaries: 10 Questions with Tânia

Tânia joins the Softway team as Sales & Project Manager. She is focussed and proactive and her main goal is customer satisfaction. She has accustomed us to her advice on healthy eating and her conversations about weddings. Rigour is part of her DNA and the most important thing in everything she does is to deliver a flawless service and project.

That said, let's get to know Tânia through a relaxed chat with 10 questions.

  1. If you could swap positions with someone at Softway for a day, who would it be and why?
    Firstly, I really like what I do at Softway, but if I had to choose, perhaps a design position. In this case I'd swap with Marta. Having some aesthetic sense, it's interesting to think about how a brand can be presented visually and in an appealing way. The most interesting thing is that, developing Taylor-made sites, we have all the freedom to propose what we think works best for each client, and there are no limits to creativity.
  2. What was the most unusual or interesting job you had before joining our team?
    I worked on a project that I really enjoyed, producing content on YouTube. An opportunity to create content was identified because when we searched for keywords about hair care and hairstyles, only Brazilian Portuguese appeared. Together with a renowned Portuguese brand, we created a project with influencers, from which we brought objective results for the client, winning several awards in the field.
  3. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
    My superpower would be to read other people's thoughts, I'm a bit naïve, I believe a lot in the veracity of what they tell me, and that's not always the case. But... on the other hand, it could be a bit tiring (laughs).
  4. What team-building event did you take part in that made the biggest impression on you?
    I really enjoyed the cooking event with chef Pedro Sommer, I love cooking and eating, learning new tricks to make the most of my time in the kitchen, the right way to cut food, etc... I've done food workshops before, so this was an event I really enjoyed. Apart from the fact that we were all together, cooking and then savouring the meal we had prepared.
  5. If you could organise a company event, what theme would you choose and what activities would you do?
    I've already suggested to Maria that we play padel, and the suggestion was well received, but we haven't yet had the chance to make it happen. I believe it would be important not only for our physical and mental health, but also to strengthen the team spirit (and some good competitiveness) between us.
  6. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?
    To trust myself more, I think that would be it. At the beginning of our careers we're quite self-critical, but there comes a point when we have to trust our work and when we have a few years of experience, I have to trust the skills I have, even though I clearly realise that I can always improve on various points. Confident, but humble and open to constructive criticism.
  7. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received, and who gave it to you?
    I have people very close to me who have always given me good advice. I've always had guidance from my parents. When I had the opportunity to join the Softway team, my husband was the first to encourage me, and what a good thing! It was great advice. Last but not least, when my older sister found out I was pregnant and at the time was frightened by the situation as it was becoming a reality, she told me that she was sure I would love the role of mum. In fact, it was the best advice I received at the time and I couldn't be more grateful (emotional).
  8. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done or would like to do in the future?
    I'm not very adventurous, which contradicts my Sagittarius sign. But I'd say it was riding the Aquashow rollercoaster. Never again... (laughs).
  9. What is your comfort food, and do you have any memories associated with it?
    I love to eat, it's hard to choose just one... but my favourite thing is chips: packet, sticks, fried, whatever... It contrasts with my diet, which I think is quite healthy, but I confess that this is my Achilles heel.
  10. Describe a hidden talent you have? So that your mates will be surprised.
    (Laughs). My hidden talent is singing (well). I don't understand why karaoke disappeared from my parents' house... but my husband and son love to hear me sing. Maybe they'll hear my talent at karaoke.

We got to know another side of our team that we ourselves didn't know about (and we still have to confirm her talent for singing), and one of the key members of the Project Management team. We'd like to thank Tânia for showing us another side of her, always in a relaxed, light-hearted and even slightly emotional way. We hope you enjoyed it.

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