The importance of a good briefing in your digital strategy

The website is your company's vital digital asset. A good briefing for website development can significantly increase engagement and the conversion of visitors into customers.

Madalena Moreira Rato
May 21 2024 • 3 min reading
The importance of a good briefing in your digital strategy

First, you need to "look inside" and define your company's digital strategy. We've highlighted 4 essential steps in this process:

1. Clarity and Objectivity - define the website's objectives, bearing in mind that they must be clear and specific, measurable, achievable and aligned with the company's mission and vision.

2. In-depth knowledge of the target audience - create personas that reflect the type of person who might be interested in your products or services. Define demographic data, typical behaviour, needs, pains and what problems your product or service can solve for your customers.

3. Market Research and Analysis - analyse your company and the market. Use the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). And compare your company with your main competitors to identify successful practices and opportunities for differentiation.

4. Online exposure strategies - define the main tactics you want to follow for good online positioning, taking into account the content strategy, defining the type of information you want to disseminate and where and when you want to publish each piece of content produced; SEO, using relevant keywords in your texts, and optimizing meta titles and meta descriptions, tags, URLs, etc.; and KPIs, defining a set of targets that allow you to analyze the success of your website, for example, number of visits to the site, visitor engagement, among others.

Prepare a good briefing for your website

Once the above steps have been structured and answered, the next step is to define the graphic mood of the website, which is nothing more than a way of visually expressing the personality, style and essence of your brand.

To do this, it is very important to prepare a good briefing that is clear and detailed. This briefing should include:

  • Website objectives - define what you want to achieve, be it increasing sales, generating leads, informing, or educating.
  • Target Audience Profile - detail who the users are, their needs and how the website can meet them.
  • Structure and Navigation - define which important areas should be provided for on the new website, which sections will respond to current needs, and even soon. It will be essential to then define an intuitive and easy-to-navigate information architecture for the site.
  • Content - identify the type of content needed for storytelling and the experience you want to provide the visitor. Each page of the site should tell a story that connects emotionally with the user and guides them intuitively to the desired goal (whether it's answering a contact form, signing up for an action, or getting in touch by phone).

A well-crafted brief is the basis for a successful digital strategy. By treating your website as a strategic digital asset, following the tips I've written above, I have no doubt that you'll boost your business!

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