Summer has arrived and our blog is going on vacation

“Then came the summer and restlessness seized these young people. The blue skies lured them to the sea, and the pleasant breeze sighing through the leaves of the plane trees on the boulevard drew them towards the country. Everyone made plans for leaving Paris”

Marta Guimarães Ferreira
Jul 30 2024 • 5 min reading
Summer has arrived and our blog is going on vacation

We would love to claim authorship of this evocative passage from a warm Parisian summer afternoon, but it actually belongs to W. Somerset Maugham. This esteemed British playwright and novelist spent a third of his life in the 19th century and the remaining two-thirds in the 20th. Among his most celebrated works are The Razor's Edge (1944), Cakes and Ale (1930), and the book we've been diligently reading recently, Of Human Bondage (1915)."

On a late July afternoon, following a blissful day of relaxation between the sea and the dramatic schist cliffs of Arrifana beach, we stumbled upon this excerpt. We felt it would make a fitting introduction to our final article on the Softway blog before it takes a well-deserved holiday. Before we proceed, we want to clarify that the description given above is intended to provide a complete and accurate context, not to evoke envy—quite the opposite. If any such feelings arise, it was unintended. We understand that many of our readers are either planning or already enjoying their holidays. That's precisely why, this year, we've put together a set of tips to simplify the often daunting planning and preparation phase that precedes vacations, offering even the most stoic a sense of relief.

1. Planning Your Journey

When it comes to road trips, the Michelin name is a classic. While most people think of Michelin stars, we're referring here to the brand’s legacy of maps, once essential for navigating roads before the era of GPS.

Today, while essential apps like Google Maps and Waze are invaluable for navigation, ViaMichelin offers a detailed approach to trip planning. It’s particularly useful for calculating toll and fuel costs, providing both estimated values and a comparative table of different fueling options.

For a broader trip planning experience, especially if you don't have the luxury of relying on a travel agency, there are several apps designed to simplify the process. Check out these articles for recommendations on how to make travel planning less of a chore: "The Best Travel Planner Apps" and "Travel Planning Apps Fatigue".

2. Packing

When it comes to packing, many of us rely on our mobile notepad or good old-fashioned paper to create a travel list. Yet, who hasn’t forgotten essentials like pajamas, toothpaste, or a charger while battling procrastination? The good news is that there are apps designed to prevent these mishaps by generating automatic packing lists based on your destination. For a detailed look at the best apps and their costs, check out the Travelling Tulls blog.

3. Arrivals and Departures

Who hasn’t found themselves lingering between buses and shuttles, or endlessly circling roundabouts, hoping to avoid exorbitant airport parking fees while waiting for someone who seems to take forever?

While we don’t have a fix for the parking issue, we do have a tip for monitoring flight statuses in real-time. By sending the flight number (e.g., KL1359) in a message—even to yourself—it becomes a clickable link. Clicking on it will open a pop-up with the ‘preview flight’ option, eliminating uncertainty and allowing you to leave only when necessary. Note that this feature is available on iPhones; however, Android users can use Flight Radar 24 as an alternative.

4. Sit Back, Relax, and Enjoy the Ride

While many flights now offer wi-fi, it often comes with a fee, which isn't ideal for everyone. Fortunately, there are alternatives! If you have Spotify, you can download your favorite podcasts and albums before your flight, so you can enjoy them offline.

For longer flights, where passing the time might require movies or series, streaming services like Netflix, Max (formerly HBO), Amazon Prime, Disney+, and Apple TV+ offer the option to download content for offline viewing. If you're unsure where to start, we’ve got a guide to help you.

And for those who can embrace the tech-free experience and enjoy a flight in complete silence, we tip our hats to you.

5. Friends, Business Aside

It’s a touchy subject, but we’ve got it covered. Whether it’s trips to the supermarket, nights out, bachelor parties, or meals with friends, splitting bills can be tricky—often handled by a calculator or the sharpest mind in the group. While MB Way has been a great help, there are also dedicated apps for sharing expenses among friends. Notable options include Splitwise and Tri Count, among others.

As soon as you start your holiday—unless you’re in the midst of trip preparations—we recommend unplugging from screens and leaving your mobile phone behind. Embrace and savor the moments and people around you! If you find yourself missing your phone, consider diving into a good book. Here are a few suggestions: Bertrand, Almedina, Livraria Martins.

With that, we wish you Happy Holidays and look forward to reconnecting in September!

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