In addition to imposing the physical distances we have had, it seems that we are all experiencing an emotional distance from everything around us and we are beginning to be blocked in emotions and sensations, making it more difficult to manage the present in which rationality begins to override the impulse, making the behavior of web users also more reflective and rigorous, often leading them to choose products and services that allow them to keep control of their actions.
It is therefore important that brands and sectors remain strong and firm in strengthening their digital positioning to be able to respond to the needs of their targets. With such uncertain times ahead, and with no prediction for when this will all end, we continue to see a profound change in the habits and customs of all of us.
And only those who manage to follow this reality with flexibility, diversity and innovation, stepping out of their comfort zone and adapting themselves more and more to the certainty that it is in digital, as long as the “doors remain closed”, that we will all continue to finding the main “window” for others, and for the world around us, will continue to be recognized and will not fall by the wayside when all this passes.
And to all of us who are professionals in communication, design and technological innovation, it is important to appeal to the desire that, together, we are able to rethink our performance models, testing new synergies among all, new forms of partnership that are more inclusive and that bring value so that we can stay connected and efficient in the demands and challenges that await for us, and keep up with the expectations of our customers by doing this path together.